Thursday, May 5, 2011

                                                  At Dinner

                        She washed the Master's feet
                        With her own tears
                        And dried them with her hair.
                        She kissed his feet,
                        Anointed them with oil.
                        He told her, "Your faith has saved you,
                        Go in peace."
                        Just as this sinner washed his feet
                        He washed the feet of sinners.
                        As above, so below.
                        We are to do this for each other
                        Not to know the other's sins
                        But that the Master died for all.
                        She who could not look upon his face
                        Stayed at his feet.
                        By anointing him
                        She was herself anointed
                        As the water and the precious oil
                        Fell upon her head
                        Bowing low before him.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for your comments! I have taken a look at your blog as well. You are very inspiring, your story is similar to my own. I have written a book about my experience with The Lord Jesus. The title is the same as my blog, "Jairus' Daughter" I'd love to send you a copy, or it is available on Let me know your preference.
