Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Family Ties

Just heard from Alex (my oldest ) that he loved the book! His wife, Kathia will be reading it next.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Facebook | Evelyn Weissman

Facebook Evelyn Weissman
This is a link that takes you directly to the Amazon.com page where you can "look inside the book"! I am very pleased with this service.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Only The Brave

I have been getting a lot of positive feedback from my first readers. This is very rewarding, indeed! If anyone would be brave enough to volunteer to write a review, please let me know. There are no reviews as yet on my Amazon page.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Books are moving out!

I have autographed and packaged  the first books for mailing!
If anyone would like a copy sent with personalization, please let me know your mailing address. I get a discount on the books I ordered so I am offering them for $12.00 each, postage free, discounted from the list price of $13.95

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

They're Here!

My books have arrived from the printer to send to friends and family and to be sold at book signings.
I have had some feedback from the first readers (including my husband) who love the book.
I am also working on the Amazon "look inside the book" feature which I have always appreciated when ordering books for myself.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Something new!

So much fun setting up my Amazon.com author's page. New photo, new bio, new experiences!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Book Signing?

I have ordered some books from the publisher to send out to friends and family pre-autographed. A friend mentioned the idea of a book signing and it sounded like a do-able idea. I'd appreciate feedback to see where and when would be the best to do this if there is a need. I'd be happy to do more than one in different locations.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

The "about the book" blurb from Balboa Press site

In the story of the raising of Jairus’ daughter from the dead in the Gospel of Luke, Jairus is admonished not to tell anyone what happened.
Why, if one’s daughter had died and was resurrected to health would one not want to tell anyone what happened?
Sarah pondered over this as she pondered over many things she encountered in both the Old and New Testaments.
After she had lived as a Christian for more than twenty years she began to understand why Jesus had counseled Jairus in this way.”…
“Jesus said people would leave father and mother to follow him and that belief in him would split families apart. Such was the case with Sarah and her family.”
“Sarah’s friends and family may not have been ready to hear what she had to say. They had to interpret events in terms they were comfortable with. They knew rational people did not have such experiences. When she would return to her senses, she would understand what she thought had happened didn’t happen at all and life would resume its usual rational explainable course.
She was hurt. She would recover. As she developed in her Christian faith, she learned God was indeed a gently loving parent, slow to anger and quick to forgive.
Leaving family to follow Jesus wasn’t easy. No one ever said it would be. Things worth doing are often most difficult to do.
What else was there in her life she needed to do? Her explanation was that she was always open to listen to God’s voice. When God calls, you must listen.”

First Responders

Thanks to all who have responded so favorably to the book! I am ordering copies today to send out to those who have requested them as well as the complimentary copies to family and dear friends who have been an integral part in this process.
Giving birth to a book is more exhilarating than I thought it would be!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Jairus' Daughter: Almost Born!

Jairus' Daughter: Almost Born!: "My book is now available on Amazon.com !!! The price is $13.95 and it qualifies for Amazon Prime free shipping. The book is printed as a 'pr..."

Almost Born!

My book is now available on Amazon.com !!! The price is $13.95 and it qualifies for Amazon Prime free shipping. The book is printed as a "print on request" so that you will always get a brand new book and fewer trees are harmed. If you really don't want to harm trees, it is also available as an e-book ; but I haven't figured out how to autograph e-copies yet. If you would like an autographed, personalized copy, let me know and I will order one for you and mail it out with an inscription.

Friday, November 5, 2010

My first book!

My first book is going to the printer and will be available soon. I am very excited to be a published author.
The book is titled "Jairus" Daughter". It is a fictional autobiograpy, full of truth-based fantasy, humor and some spiritual insight.
As this process is new for me as well as making a blog for the first time, please be gentle and bear with me.
I am excited about the book going to press and hope others will enjoy the stories as much as I enjoyed putting them together .